Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fall 2007

From the President:

First of all, thanks to everyone who sent in their 2007 dues! We had an unprecedented response. Our next general meeting will be in January 2008 so we want to hear from you as to what neighborhood issues you would like to see addressed. We are very excited about our upcoming fall clean up and fall fling and we sincerely hope that you all (including renters) will make an effort to attend. Last, many of you suggested that we organize a neighborhood yard sale. We feel that
spring of 2008 will be a good time for that so stay tuned for details.

Michelle Roche

Fall Clean Up Weekend
October 19th - 21st

This is a great opportunity to work with the county to maintain the appearance of
University Heights. They provide this service once a year: we pick up litter in our
neighborhood (which, fortunately, shouldn’t be very difficult), and they provide a
number of services aimed at beautifying our neighborhood. Since there is no UGA
football game on this weekend, this would be a great time to do some fall cleaning;
however, this to collect any litter in the neighborhood, and NOT an opportunity to
dispose of old furniture, appliances, etc. All litter must be bagged and dropped off at 360 University Circle by Sunday, October 21st at 6:00 PM.

For their part, the county will provide the following:
- trash bags, recycling bags, grab it sticks, tools (on loan), and vests for the collection of litter
- right-of-way mowing
- pothole and street repair, curb and gutter cleaning and repair, street light requests, yellow curb painting, shoulder & ditch maintenance, street sign repair, addressing soil erosion and drainage issues
- Community Protection Division will do a drive-through that week for ordinance
violations. More info on ordinances at www.athensclarkecounty.com
- Assistance provided for clean-up of any dangerous creek areas

Please e-mail michelle@michelleroche.com or call 706-353-3244 regarding any of
the above (street signs, gutter painting, etc.), if you are an disabled or elderly person needing assistance, or if you are willing to help pick up litter. Thanks!

First Annual University Heights Fall Fling by the River
Saturday, October 20th 3:00-7:00 PM
400 Caldwell Circle

Come hang out with your neighbors, have
hamburgers & hot dogs, play horseshoes,
volleyball, and badminton. Activities for the
kids and adults! Bring a side dish or dessert if
you’d like. Fishing poles welcome.

We need volunteers! If you can bring a
table, cooler, chairs, or a grill, help with set
up/cooking, help with planning/overseeing
activities for the kids, or help clean up,
please email Michelle Roche at michelle@

Please save your aluminum cans (bagged)
and bring them to the fall fling! We will have
a collection truck there. Proceeds will be
contributed to the general fund and used for
future neighborhood events, newsletter costs,

We’ll see you there!

Dear University Heights resident: I want to thank
your neighborhood president Michelle Roche
for giving me the opportunity to say a few words
in this newsletter. For those of you who don’t
know me, I am the District 8 ACC Commissioner
who represents University Heights. Your
other commissioner is Elton Dodson (he’s the
Superdistrict 10 Commissioner). If you have
any issues concerning the operation of the ACC
government or matters affecting your neighborhood
or the broader county, please feel free to contact
me at 543 0281 or andyherodathens@yahoo.
com. I produce a monthly newsletter. If you have
an email address and would like to be added to
my distribution list, please send me an email with
your name and street address and I’ll be happy
to add you. I periodically use this list to send out
information on more immediate matters (such as
updates on the watering ban, information about
roadwork on various streets in the District, etc), so
having your street address is helpful in directing
this information to appropriate residents.
Best wishes,


Animal Control (A barking dog form is enclosed, although you should first try speaking to your neighbor and if you can’t resolve it, call Animal Control to report it.)

To report late night parties and other non-emergency issues (24 hours)

Community Protection Division (for ordinance violation)

To request the ride-by service by the police department while you are on vacation, or to report any other non-emergency issues, call Katie Jones/Neighborhood Watch
706-613-3358 x-230

Litter Hotline-To report the tag # of anyone observed littering (put in your cell phone)

More information at www.universityheightsathens.com
You can register your e-mail and phone information there as well as join our list-serv.

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